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Shlomi Ziv

Shlomi Ziv


Shlomi Ziv, the coolest uncle around, has a smile that can melt hearts. Shlomi lives on Moshav Elkosh in the northern part of Israel with his wife, Miran. The two share a strong bond; "We are each other's entire world," says Miran. After years of unsuccessful fertility treatments, the two decided to take a break. "It's just the two of us; Shlomi and I, and that's why we are so connected. The treatment period only made us closer as a couple." Recently, Shlomi completed his interior design studies, and planned to embark on a new career path.
Shlomi is the eldest child in the Ziv family from Nahariya. He has two loving sisters: Revital, who recently got married, and Adi.
On Saturday October 7, Shlomi worked as a security guard at the Nova music festival near Re'im. Aviv Eliyahu, his wife's cousin, who was the security manager at the festival, was murdered there. Together with him was a lone immigrant from England, Jack Marlow, a friend of Shlomi. He too was killed in the murderous attack by Hamas terrorists.
Shlomi managed to open the emergency exit of the festival area to allow people to escape and save themselves, before he was kidnapped into the Gaza strip.
Revital, Shlomi’s sister, says about him: "Shlomi, my older brother, is everything an older brother should be: smart, sharp, charismatic, loves his nephews as if they were his own children. They need him and are waiting for him to come back into their lives. Shlomi always puts others' needs before his own. When he opened the emergency gate at the party, he thought of the thousands of partygoers hoping to make it back to their parents. Now it is time for him to return to his parents."

Adi, his younger sister, shares: "My brother is a happy, smiling, kind-hearted, witty, and funny person. He knows a lot of facts (not all are important), has a wide knowledge, loves history and geography, especially his homeland. Jack Marlow saw my brother as a role model; he wanted to be like him. He wished to enlist and start a family here. The Marlows keep in touch with us all the time, praying for Shlomi's safe return."
Shlomi's family, along with his cousin, a doctoral student at the Hebrew University's School of Education, initiated a project called 'Shlomi's Glasses'. This project aims to pressure world leaders to act for the safe return of the kidnapped. Shlomi's Glasses are VR glasses that simulate the Nova festival experience, the kidnapping, and life in captivity in 360 and 3D technology from the perspective of a kidnapped victim. The glasses are intended to reach world leaders and humanitarian entities, like the UN and the Red Cross, hoping the experience is powerful enough to influence their decision-making.
We are all committed to fulfill Shlomi’s promise during his last phone call to his sister: 'I will get back to you'.
Read more about 'Shlomi's Glasses' here:

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