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Edan Alexander

Edan Alexander


Edan Alexander is a lone soldier from New Jersey who immigrated to Israel in August 2022 in order to enlist into Golani and contribute to the country. On October 7th, he called his mother Yael before losing contact. Edan was kidnapped from the guard post at the Gaza border.
Edan's uncle, a member of the Israeli band “Girafot” (Hebrew for Giraffes) organized a support evening for the family in which David Broza and the band “Girafot” participated, among others.
The band wrote: “Edan is an eldest son, older brother, grandson and especially beloved nephew of Levi Ben Baruch, the wonderful keyboardist of Girafot. Edan loves parties, concerts, traveling, extreme sports and is a real connoisseur. Mother Yael, father Adi, Mika and Roy pray to hug Edan tightly again.
Listen to Girafot play the song “ I have a hole in my heart with the shape of you” for Edan:

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