Rom Braslavski
Rom Braslavski
Rom is the middle son of Tami and Ofir Braslavski from Pisgat Ze'ev. On the weekends he used his time off from the army to work in a security team.
On Saturday October 7th, Rom worked at the NOVA music festival near Re’eim. He could have escaped, but chose to stay and save others. Rom was Initially reported missing, but his family later revealed that he had been kidnapped by Hamas terrorists into Gaza.
His friend Mark Mizrachi said that Rom bravely defended a group of young people. Mark testified that when the terrorists approached, Rom led a group of people to gather stones for self-defense, causing the attackers to retreat. "Suddenly a rocket-propelled grenade was fired and then Rom disappeared without a trace" says Mark.
Naama, a girl who attended the festival, called Rom's family and told them that he had been wounded in both hands and that he had saved her life by leading her to safety under heavy fire.
As Rom's aunt phrases it, "he was being too brave".
Rom’s parents; Ofir and Tami, and brothers; Amit and Ziv, are very worried about him, and are doing everything in their power to bring Rom back home.



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